The Amazon Region is located in the southern part of the Colombian territory. It is compounded by the departments of Amazonas, Caqueta, Putumayo, Guainia, Putumayo and Vaupes. It is gone over by some rivers such as Guainía River, Vaupés River, Apaporis River, Caquetá River and, of course, the famous Amazonas River. It is worthy to say that the navigation in this region is difficult, because the relief in the area includes little hills which provoke some swifts into the rivers.
Having known the physical description of the Amazon region, we can conclude that living there can be challenged, because its fauna, high temperatures, and constant raining which makes the weather is hot and humid.
With regard to the economic activity of the region, we must say that it is precarious. Only Caquetá department has cattle raising, rice, yuca, and so on. The Putumayo department has the possibility to fish at the near rivers, or even they survive hunting.