In the Pacific region you can visit a lot of places and enjoy different festivals throughout the region. The BuenaventuraHarbor is one option. The Natural National Katíos Park, Utría Park, Sanquianga Park, Gorgona Park, Farallones de Cali Park, Tatamá Park, and The Sanctuary of Fauna and Vegetation at the Corota Island and Galeras as well.
Rewarding archeological parks, there is the famous Tierradentro which is located at the municipality of Inza, in the Cauca department. Besides, this park shows some important aspects of the pre-Columbian culture such as specific details in the sculptures and pictoric patterns which very similar to the San Agustin culture.
The Carnival of Blacks and Whites takes place in the capital city of Pasto from January 4th to January 6th. It commemorates the day in which the African slaves had a free day when they unleashed all their happiness. It attracts a huge number of tourists from around the world. It is worthy to say that this carnival is the most ancient carnival in South America. Moreover, it was declared National Cultural Heritage by the congress of the Republic of Colombia in April 2002.
According to some historians, once upon ago there was a slave rebellion in a little town of theAntioquia department. In this opportunity the population demanded a day off. In this sense, the king of Spainth. Once the African population was conscious of the news, they went out to the streets and danced their rhythms and blacken all the white walls of the town. conceded January 5
The origins of the carnival in the city of Pasto are put down to the Ayerbe family around 1854. However, some details have changed from the beginning of the celebration. For instance, The Castaneda family has characterized the Ayerbe family. Furthermore, people started using masks and costumes.
This carnival is divided in four different stages, those are: the pre-carnival, the arrival of the Castaneda Family, the day of the blacks and the day of the whites.
It establishes the beginning of the Carnival. It is celebrated on December 28th, which is the Day of the Innocent Saints in Colombia. During this first stage, the idea is to celebrate among all the neighbors and friends; in this sense, people go out to the streets of Pasto, and started wetting everyone, of course, there are not troubles because everyone knows this is a tradition and is like a game, a sort of cat and mouse game. It is also known as the Carnival of Water.
Some citizens have said that the Castaneda family arrived around 1928. They have described this family as a country family which is compounded by a very spontaneous grandmother, a pregnant daughter dressed in white because she is ready to get married, and many little children who make people have fun putting adults into awkward situations.
Usually, the family is charged with mattresses, pots, knives, spoons, dishes, and the like. Once they arrive, they call the attention of all the citizens and make them laugh a lot.
The day of the blacks is celebrated on January 5th. According to the tradition, people commemorates the freedom of the African slaves; for this reason, everybody goes out and paint not just the walls of the streets with black paint, they paint their faces with black color and some other special decorations for this date.
It is celebrated on January 6th. During the Day of the Whites, Pasto is a whole mixture compounded by white colors on its people faces, with powder and talcum powder. The citizens throw to each other some of the former elements.
The day of the whites is the final stage in the Carnival of Blacks and Whites. In this sense, people are motivated to win a special prize, that’s why everybody is in costumes, they use masks, a lot of floats go over the city which comes along with musical and dances groups. It is worthy to mention the huge dedication and originality that some citizens have while they decorate the floats. The vast majority of the artisans spend the whole year preparing their floats.
Every year from December 25th to January 1st, the city of Cali celebrates its fair which is the most important cultural event in the city. Population celebrates their own region’s cultural identity. This fair is also known as the “Town’s fair”, “Sugar Cane Fair” or “Salsa Fair”. The fair has been celebrated since 1957. The city is the salsa capital of Colombia, so there's plenty of tourists who love Latin-American dancing. However, the whole city is not invaded by Salsa music; there is a little space to tango contests as well.
During the days which the fair lasts, there a lot of event to attend such as the Salsa marathon, horse riding parades, dance parties, and bullfights; so, watch out if you are against bullfights or you are vegetarian, it is rather to go and dance wherever Salsa plays. There are also 50 or so salsa acts perform day and night approximately.
Cali is a famous city for the beauty of its women, that’s why there is the contest to select Señorita Cali.
Feria de Cali, Colombia. Photo by Julio Romero, courtesy of Corfecali
It is celebrated every single year during one week on March or April months. PopayánCity is famous for its magnificent buildings and colonial style. There are some restored churches which keep their ancient style.
Moreover, the population of this city is very faithful to their Catholic religion, for this reason, they organized the most beautiful celebrations for this part of the year. Their processions are really eye catching.