The Andean region is compounded by the following departments: Antioiquía, Boyacá, Caldas, Cundinamarca, Huila, Norte de Santander, Quindío, Risaralda, Santander, and Tolima.
We must say that this region indicates the end of the Andes mountain system. At this part of the continent, the Andes range is split up into three branches called “cordilleras”; these cordilleras are Central, Western, and Oriental. Some rivers go over the cordilleras such as CaucaRiver and MagdalenaRiver.
In addition to the relief information, it is worthy to say that the weather in the Andean region is the very varied, taking into account that we can find hot places which are near the Magdalena Medio, or even you can go to the summit of the Nevado del Ruíz, Huila, Tolima, and the like.
Moreover, the Andean region has characterized itself as a very productive region, taking into account the huge number of products and resources that you can find there. For example, you can find cattle raising, coffee, sugar cane, potato, wheat, and so on.